Collaborating Investigator:
Dr. Vivek Shetty; University of California, Los Angeles
Funding Status:
4/1/19 – 3/31/27
Associated with:
Algorithms in Decision Support Systems
July 22, 2022
reinforcement learning, online learning, mobile health, algorithm design, algorithm evaluation
Online RL faces challenges like real-time stability and handling complex, unpredictable environments; to address these issues, the PCS framework originally used in supervised learning is extended to guide the design of RL algorithms for such settings, including guidelines for creating simulation environments, as exemplified in the development of an RL algorithm for the mobile health study Oralytics aimed at enhancing tooth-brushing behaviors through personalized intervention messages.
Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI 2023)
February 7, 2023
reinforcement learning, online learning, mobile health, algorithm design, algorithm evaluation
Dental disease is one of the most common chronic diseases despite being largely preventable. However, professional advice on optimal oral hygiene practices is often forgotten or abandoned by patients. Therefore patients may benefit from timely and personalized encouragement to engage in oral self-care behaviors. In this paper, we develop an online reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm for use in optimizing the delivery of mobile-based prompts to encourage oral hygiene behaviors. One of the main challenges in developing such an algorithm is ensuring that the algorithm considers the impact of the current action on the effectiveness of future actions (i.e., delayed effects), especially when the algorithm has been made simple in order to run stably and autonomously in a constrained, real-world setting (i.e., highly noisy, sparse data). We address this challenge by designing a quality reward which maximizes the desired health outcome (i.e., high-quality brushing) while minimizing user burden. We also highlight a procedure for optimizing the hyperparameters of the reward by building a simulation environment test bed and evaluating candidates using the test bed. The RL algorithm discussed in this paper will be deployed in Oralytics, an oral self-care app that provides behavioral strategies to boost patient engagement in oral hygiene practices.
In this paper, we develop an online reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm for use in optimizing the delivery of mobile-based prompts to encourage oral hygiene behaviors.
April 19, 2023
Online reinforcement learning and other adaptive sampling algorithms are increasingly used in digital intervention experiments to optimize treatment delivery for users over time. In this work, we focus on longitudinal user data collected by a large class of adaptive sampling algorithms that are designed to optimize treatment decisions online using accruing data from multiple users. Combining or “pooling” data across users allows adaptive sampling algorithms to potentially learn faster. However, by pooling, these algorithms induce dependence between the sampled user data trajectories; we show that this can cause standard variance estimators for i.i.d. data to underestimate the true variance of common estimators on this data type. We develop novel methods to perform a variety of statistical analyses on such adaptively sampled data via Z-estimation. Specifically, we introduce the adaptive sandwich variance estimator, a corrected sandwich estimator that leads to consistent variance estimates under adaptive sampling. Additionally, to prove our results we develop novel theoretical tools for empirical processes on non-i.i.d., adaptively sampled longitudinal data which may be of independent interest. This work is motivated by our efforts in designing experiments in which online reinforcement learning algorithms optimize treatment decisions, yet statistical inference is essential for conducting analyses after experiments conclude.
October 31, 2023
contextual bandits, predicted context, online learning, machine learning
We consider the contextual bandit problem where at each time, the agent only has access to a noisy version of the context and the error variance (or an estimator of this variance). This setting is motivated by a wide range of applications where the true context for decision-making is unobserved, and only a prediction of the context by a potentially complex machine learning algorithm is available. When the context error is non-vanishing, classical bandit algorithms fail to achieve sublinear regret. We propose the first online algorithm in this setting with sublinear regret guarantees under mild conditions. The key idea is to extend the measurement error model in classical statistics to the online decision-making setting, which is nontrivial due to the policy being dependent on the noisy context observations. We further demonstrate the benefits of the proposed approach in simulation environments based on synthetic and real digital intervention datasets.
We propose the first online algorithm in this setting with sublinear regret guarantees under mild conditions.
May 29, 2023
machine learning, optimization and control, contextual bandits, information reveal
Contextual bandit algorithms are commonly used in digital health to recommend personalized treatments. However, to ensure the effectiveness of the treatments, patients are often requested to take actions that have no immediate benefit to them, which we refer to as pro-treatment actions. In practice, clinicians have a limited budget to encourage patients to take these actions and collect additional information. We introduce a novel optimization and learning algorithm to address this problem. This algorithm effectively combines the strengths of two algorithmic approaches in a seamless manner, including 1) an online primal-dual algorithm for deciding the optimal timing to reach out to patients, and 2) a contextual bandit learning algorithm to deliver personalized treatment to the patient. We prove that this algorithm admits a sub-linear regret bound. We illustrate the usefulness of this algorithm on both synthetic and real-world data.
We present an innovative optimization and learning algorithm to tackle the challenge clinicians face with constrained budgets, aiming to incentivize patients to take actions and gather additional information.
NIH National Library of Medicine: National Center for Biotechnology Information –, Identifier: NCT05624489
Submission Under Review
engagement strategies, dental disease, health behavior change, oral self-care behaviors
The study will involve a 10-week Micro-Randomized Trial (MRT) to inform the delivery of prompts (via mobile app push notifications) designed to facilitate adherence to an ideal tooth brushing protocol (2x2x4; 2 sessions daily, 2 minutes per session, all 4 quadrants).
JMIR Formative Research
December 11, 2023
engagement, oral health, mobile health intervention, racial and ethnic minority group, message development
Background: The prevention of oral health diseases is a key public health issue and a major challenge for racial and ethnic minority groups, who often face barriers in accessing dental care. Daily toothbrushing is an important self-care behavior necessary for sustaining good oral health, yet engagement in regular brushing remains a challenge. Identifying strategies to promote engagement in regular oral self-care behaviors among populations at risk of poor oral health is critical.
Objective: The formative research described here focused on creating messages for a digital oral self-care intervention targeting a racially and ethnically diverse population. Theoretically grounded strategies (reciprocity, reciprocity-by-proxy, and curiosity) were used to promote engagement in 3 aspects: oral self-care behaviors, an oral care smartphone app, and digital messages. A web-based participatory co-design approach was used to develop messages that are resource efficient, appealing, and novel; this approach involved dental experts, individuals from the general population, and individuals from the target population—dental patients from predominantly low-income racial and ethnic minority groups. Given that many individuals from racially and ethnically diverse populations face anonymity and confidentiality concerns when participating in research, we used an approach to message development that aimed to mitigate these concerns.
Methods: Messages were initially developed with feedback from dental experts and Amazon Mechanical Turk workers. Dental patients were then recruited for 2 facilitator-mediated group webinar sessions held over Zoom (Zoom Video Communications; session 1: n=13; session 2: n=7), in which they provided both quantitative ratings and qualitative feedback on the messages. Participants interacted with the facilitator through Zoom polls and a chat window that was anonymous to other participants. Participants did not directly interact with each other, and the facilitator mediated sessions by verbally asking for message feedback and sharing key suggestions with the group for additional feedback. This approach plausibly enhanced participant anonymity and confidentiality during the sessions.
Results: Participants rated messages highly in terms of liking (overall rating: mean 2.63, SD 0.58; reciprocity: mean 2.65, SD 0.52; reciprocity-by-proxy: mean 2.58, SD 0.53; curiosity involving interactive oral health questions and answers: mean 2.45, SD 0.69; curiosity involving tailored brushing feedback: mean 2.77, SD 0.48) on a scale ranging from 1 (do not like it) to 3 (like it). Qualitative feedback indicated that the participants preferred messages that were straightforward, enthusiastic, conversational, relatable, and authentic.
Conclusions: This formative research has the potential to guide the design of messages for future digital health behavioral interventions targeting individuals from diverse racial and ethnic populations. Insights emphasize the importance of identifying key stimuli and tasks that require engagement, gathering multiple perspectives during message development, and using new approaches for collecting both quantitative and qualitative data while mitigating anonymity and confidentiality concerns.
The formative research described here focused on creating messages for a digital oral self-care intervention targeting a racially and ethnically diverse population. Theoretically grounded strategies (reciprocity, reciprocity-by-proxy, and curiosity) were used to promote engagement in 3 aspects: oral self-care behaviors, an oral care smartphone app, and digital messages.
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies
mHealth, brushing detection, flossing detection, hand-to-mouth gestures
June 2021
Ensuring that all the teeth surfaces are adequately covered during daily brushing can reduce the risk of several oral diseases. In this paper, we propose the mTeeth model to detect teeth surfaces being brushed with a manual toothbrush in the natural free-living environment using wrist-worn inertial sensors. To unambiguously label sensor data corresponding to different surfaces and capture all transitions that last only milliseconds, we present a lightweight method to detect the micro-event of brushing strokes that cleanly demarcates transitions among brushing surfaces. Using features extracted from brushing strokes, we propose a Bayesian Ensemble method that leverages the natural hierarchy among teeth surfaces and patterns of transition among them. For training and testing, we enrich a publicly-available wrist-worn inertial sensor dataset collected from the natural environment with time-synchronized precise labels of brushing surface timings and moments of transition. We annotate 10,230 instances of brushing on different surfaces from 114 episodes and evaluate the impact of wide between-person and within-person between-episode variability on machine learning model’s performance for brushing surface detection.
In this paper, we propose the mTeeth model to detect teeth surfaces being brushed with a manual toothbrush in the natural free-living environment using wrist-worn inertial sensors.
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