The mDOT Center

Transforming health and wellness via temporally-precise mHealth interventions

TR&D2: Optimization

mDOT Center > Research Projects > TR&D2: Optimization

Dynamic Optimization of Continuously Adapting mHealth Interventions via Prudent, Statistically Efficient, and Coherent Reinforcement Learning

Designing Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Digital Interventions: Pre-implementation Guidelines
Publication Venue:

Algorithms in Decision Support Systems

Publication Date:

July 22, 2022


reinforcement learning, online learning, mobile health, algorithm design, algorithm evaluation

Related Project:
Online reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms are increasingly used to personalize digital interventions in the fields of mobile health and online education. Common challenges in designing and testing an RL algorithm in these settings include ensuring the RL algorithm can learn and run stably under real-time constraints, and accounting for the complexity of the environment, e.g., a lack of accurate mechanistic models for the user dynamics. To guide how one can tackle these challenges, we extend the PCS (predictability, computability, stability) framework, a data science framework that incorporates best practices from machine learning and statistics in supervised learning to the design of RL algorithms for the digital interventions setting. Furthermore, we provide guidelines on how to design simulation environments, a crucial tool for evaluating RL candidate algorithms using the PCS framework. We show how we used the PCS framework to design an RL algorithm for Oralytics, a mobile health study aiming to improve users’ tooth-brushing behaviors through the personalized delivery of intervention messages. Oralytics will go into the field in late 2022.

Online RL faces challenges like real-time stability and handling complex, unpredictable environments; to address these issues, the PCS framework originally used in supervised learning is extended to guide the design of RL algorithms for such settings, including guidelines for creating simulation environments, as exemplified in the development of an RL algorithm for the mobile health study Oralytics aimed at enhancing tooth-brushing behaviors through personalized intervention messages.

Statistical Inference with M-Estimators on Adaptively Collected Data
Publication Venue:

Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems

Publication Date:

December 2021


contextual bandit algorithms, confidence intervals, adaptively collected data, causal inference

Bandit algorithms are increasingly used in real-world sequential decision-making problems. Associated with this is an increased desire to be able to use the resulting datasets to answer scientific questions like: Did one type of ad lead to more purchases? In which contexts is a mobile health intervention effective? However, classical statistical approaches fail to provide valid confidence intervals when used with data collected with bandit algorithms. Alternative methods have recently been developed for simple models (e.g., comparison of means). Yet there is a lack of general methods for conducting statistical inference using more complex models on data collected with (contextual) bandit algorithms; for example, current methods cannot be used for valid inference on parameters in a logistic regression model for a binary reward. In this work, we develop theory justifying the use of M-estimators — which includes estimators based on empirical risk minimization as well as maximum likelihood — on data collected with adaptive algorithms, including (contextual) bandit algorithms. Specifically, we show that M-estimators, modified with particular adaptive weights, can be used to construct asymptotically valid confidence regions for a variety of inferential targets.

We develop theory justifying the use of M-estimators—which includes estimators based on empirical risk minimization as well as maximum likelihood—on data collected with adaptive algorithms, including (contextual) bandit algorithms.

Reward Design for an Online Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Supporting Oral Self-Care
Publication Venue:

Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI 2023)

Publication Date:

February 7, 2023


reinforcement learning, online learning, mobile health, algorithm design, algorithm evaluation

Related Project:

Dental disease is one of the most common chronic diseases despite being largely preventable. However, professional advice on optimal oral hygiene practices is often forgotten or abandoned by patients. Therefore patients may benefit from timely and personalized encouragement to engage in oral self-care behaviors. In this paper, we develop an online reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm for use in optimizing the delivery of mobile-based prompts to encourage oral hygiene behaviors. One of the main challenges in developing such an algorithm is ensuring that the algorithm considers the impact of the current action on the effectiveness of future actions (i.e., delayed effects), especially when the algorithm has been made simple in order to run stably and autonomously in a constrained, real-world setting (i.e., highly noisy, sparse data). We address this challenge by designing a quality reward which maximizes the desired health outcome (i.e., high-quality brushing) while minimizing user burden. We also highlight a procedure for optimizing the hyperparameters of the reward by building a simulation environment test bed and evaluating candidates using the test bed. The RL algorithm discussed in this paper will be deployed in Oralytics, an oral self-care app that provides behavioral strategies to boost patient engagement in oral hygiene practices.


In this paper, we develop an online reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm for use in optimizing the delivery of mobile-based prompts to encourage oral hygiene behaviors. 

Statistical Inference after Adaptive Sampling for Longitudinal Data
Publication Venue:
Publication Date:

April 19, 2023

adaptive sampling algorithms, statistical inference, machine learning, longitudinal data
Related Projects:

Online reinforcement learning and other adaptive sampling algorithms are increasingly used in digital intervention experiments to optimize treatment delivery for users over time. In this work, we focus on longitudinal user data collected by a large class of adaptive sampling algorithms that are designed to optimize treatment decisions online using accruing data from multiple users. Combining or “pooling” data across users allows adaptive sampling algorithms to potentially learn faster. However, by pooling, these algorithms induce dependence between the sampled user data trajectories; we show that this can cause standard variance estimators for i.i.d. data to underestimate the true variance of common estimators on this data type. We develop novel methods to perform a variety of statistical analyses on such adaptively sampled data via Z-estimation. Specifically, we introduce the adaptive sandwich variance estimator, a corrected sandwich estimator that leads to consistent variance estimates under adaptive sampling. Additionally, to prove our results we develop novel theoretical tools for empirical processes on non-i.i.d., adaptively sampled longitudinal data which may be of independent interest. This work is motivated by our efforts in designing experiments in which online reinforcement learning algorithms optimize treatment decisions, yet statistical inference is essential for conducting analyses after experiments conclude.

In this work, we focus on longitudinal user data collected by a large class of adaptive sampling algorithms that are designed to optimize treatment decisions online using accruing data from multiple users. Combining or “pooling” data across users allows adaptive sampling algorithms to potentially learn faster.
Effect-Invariant Mechanisms for Policy Generalization
Publication Venue:


Publication Date:

June 27, 2023


effect-invariant mechanisms, policy generalization, machine learning

Related Projects:
Policy learning is an important component of many real-world learning systems. A major challenge in policy learning is how to adapt efficiently to unseen environments or tasks. Recently, it has been suggested to exploit invariant conditional distributions to learn models that generalize better to unseen environments. However, assuming invariance of entire conditional distributions (which we call full invariance) may be too strong of an assumption in practice. In this paper, we introduce a relaxation of full invariance called effect-invariance (e-invariance for short) and prove that it is sufficient, under suitable assumptions, for zero-shot policy generalization. We also discuss an extension that exploits e-invariance when we have a small sample from the test environment, enabling few-shot policy generalization. Our work does not assume an underlying causal graph or that the data are generated by a structural causal model; instead, we develop testing procedures to test e-invariance directly from data. We present empirical results using simulated data and a mobile health intervention dataset to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
In this paper, we introduce a relaxation of full invariance called effect-invariance (e-invariance for short) and prove that it is sufficient, under suitable assumptions, for zero-shot policy generalization. We also discuss an extension that exploits e-invariance when we have a small sample from the test environment, enabling few-shot policy generalization.
Online Learning in Bandits with Predicted Context
Publication Venue:


Publication Date:

October 31, 2023


contextual bandits, predicted context, online learning, machine learning

Related Projects:

We consider the contextual bandit problem where at each time, the agent only has access to a noisy version of the context and the error variance (or an estimator of this variance). This setting is motivated by a wide range of applications where the true context for decision-making is unobserved, and only a prediction of the context by a potentially complex machine learning algorithm is available. When the context error is non-vanishing, classical bandit algorithms fail to achieve sublinear regret. We propose the first online algorithm in this setting with sublinear regret guarantees under mild conditions. The key idea is to extend the measurement error model in classical statistics to the online decision-making setting, which is nontrivial due to the policy being dependent on the noisy context observations. We further demonstrate the benefits of the proposed approach in simulation environments based on synthetic and real digital intervention datasets.


We propose the first online algorithm in this setting with sublinear regret guarantees under mild conditions.

Contextual Bandits with Budgeted Information Reveal
Publication Venue:


Publication Date:

May 29, 2023


machine learning, optimization and control, contextual bandits, information reveal

Related Projects:

Contextual bandit algorithms are commonly used in digital health to recommend personalized treatments. However, to ensure the effectiveness of the treatments, patients are often requested to take actions that have no immediate benefit to them, which we refer to as pro-treatment actions. In practice, clinicians have a limited budget to encourage patients to take these actions and collect additional information. We introduce a novel optimization and learning algorithm to address this problem. This algorithm effectively combines the strengths of two algorithmic approaches in a seamless manner, including 1) an online primal-dual algorithm for deciding the optimal timing to reach out to patients, and 2) a contextual bandit learning algorithm to deliver personalized treatment to the patient. We prove that this algorithm admits a sub-linear regret bound. We illustrate the usefulness of this algorithm on both synthetic and real-world data.


We present an innovative optimization and learning algorithm to tackle the challenge clinicians face with constrained budgets, aiming to incentivize patients to take actions and gather additional information.

Power Constrained Bandits
Publication Venue:

Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 149:1–50


contextual bandits, meta-algorithms, mobile health

Publication Date:

August 2021


Contextual bandits often provide simple and effective personalization in decision making problems, making them popular tools to deliver personalized interventions in mobile health as well as other health applications. However, when bandits are deployed in the context of a scientific study — e.g. a clinical trial to test if a mobile health intervention is effective — the aim is not only to personalize for an individual, but also to determine, with sufficient statistical power, whether or not the system’s intervention is effective. It is essential to assess the effectiveness of the intervention before broader deployment for better resource allocation. The two objectives are often deployed under different model assumptions, making it hard to determine how achieving the personalization and statistical power affect each other. In this work, we develop general meta-algorithms to modify existing algorithms such that sufficient power is guaranteed while still improving each user’s well-being. We also demonstrate that our meta-algorithms are robust to various model mis-specifications possibly appearing in statistical studies, thus providing a valuable tool to study designers.


In this work, we develop general meta-algorithms to modify existing algorithms such that sufficient power is guaranteed while still improving each user’s well-being. We also demonstrate that our meta-algorithms are robust to various model mis-specifications possibly appearing in statistical studies, thus providing a valuable tool to study designers.

Innovative Health Care Delivery: The Scientific and Regulatory Challenges in Designing mHealth Interventions
Publication Venue:

NAM Perspectives


mhealth interventions, mobile health

Publication Date:

August 2021

Scientists looking for innovative ways to deliver health care have long searched for mechanisms that can enable the right intervention to be delivered at the right time. Traditional delivery mechanisms have been limited both to the availability of a provider (e.g., a physician) and the location of care (e.g., a hospital or outpatient clinic). In recent years, however, numerous technological advancements—including wearable devices, mobile technologies, and the widespread development and use of user-friendly smartphone applications—have resulted in signifi cant changes in how care is delivered. For example, mobile Health (mHealth) technologies are now commonly used to deliver interventions in a self-service and personalized manner, reducing the demands on providers and lifting limitations on the locations in which care can be delivered. Successful examples of mHealth interventions include programs to: 1. maintain adherence to HIV medication and to smoking cessation eff orts, which have shown suffi cient eff ectiveness for adoption by health services; 2. assist caregivers in managing veteran post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and provide support with health care-related tasks within the Veterans Aff airs (VA) system; 3. continuously monitor chronic medical conditions, collect and share relevant data, and use this data to develop more eff ective treatment or disease management plans; 4. encourage physical activity and weight loss in a more cost-eff ective, scalable manner than oneto-one approaches; and 5. reduce excessive alcohol use.

Mobile Health (mHealth) technologies are now commonly used to deliver interventions in a self-service and personalized manner, reducing the demands on providers and lifting limitations on the locations in which care can be delivered.

Inference for Batched Bandits
Publication Venue:

Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems


bached bandits, ordinary least squares estimator

Publication Date:

January 8, 2021

As bandit algorithms are increasingly utilized in scientific studies and industrial applications, there is an associated increasing need for reliable inference methods based on the resulting adaptively-collected data. In this work, we develop methods for inference on data collected in batches using a bandit algorithm. We first prove that the ordinary least squares estimator (OLS), which is asymptotically normal on independently sampled data, is not asymptotically normal on data collected using standard bandit algorithms when there is no unique optimal arm. This asymptotic non-normality result implies that the naive assumption that the OLS estimator is approximately normal can lead to Type-1 error inflation and confidence intervals with below-nominal coverage probabilities. Second, we introduce the Batched OLS estimator (BOLS) that we prove is (1) asymptotically normal on data collected from both multi-arm and contextual bandits and (2) robust to non-stationarity in the baseline reward.
In this work, we develop methods for inference on data collected in batches using a bandit algorithm. We first prove that the ordinary least squares estimator (OLS), which is asymptotically normal on independently sampled data, is not asymptotically normal on data collected using standard bandit algorithms when there is no unique optimal arm.
Linear Mixed Models with Endogenous Covariates: Modeling Sequential Treatment Effects with Application to a Mobile Health Study
Publication Venue:

Statistical Science: a review journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics


causal inference, endogenous covariates, linear mixed model, micro-randomized trial

Publication Date:

October 2020

Related Project:

Mobile health is a rapidly developing field in which behavioral treatments are delivered to individuals via wearables or smartphones to facilitate health-related behavior change. Micro-randomized trials (MRT) are an experimental design for developing mobile health interventions. In an MRT the treatments are randomized numerous times for each individual over course of the trial. Along with assessing treatment effects, behavioral scientists aim to understand between-person heterogeneity in the treatment effect. A natural approach is the familiar linear mixed model. However, directly applying linear mixed models is problematic because potential moderators of the treatment effect are frequently endogenous-that is, may depend on prior treatment. We discuss model interpretation and biases that arise in the absence of additional assumptions when endogenous covariates are included in a linear mixed model. In particular, when there are endogenous covariates, the coefficients no longer have the customary marginal interpretation. However, these coefficients still have a conditional-on-the-random-effect interpretation. We provide an additional assumption that, if true, allows scientists to use standard software to fit linear mixed model with endogenous covariates, and person-specific predictions of effects can be provided. As an illustration, we assess the effect of activity suggestion in the HeartSteps MRT and analyze the between-person treatment effect heterogeneity.


We discuss model interpretation and biases that arise in the absence of additional assumptions when endogenous covariates are included in a linear mixed model. In particular, when there are endogenous covariates, the coefficients no longer have the customary marginal interpretation.

Off-Policy Estimation of Long-Term Average Outcomes with Applications to Mobile Health
Publication Venue:

Journal of the American Statistical Association


sequential decision making, policy evaluation, markov decision process, reinforcement learning

Publication Date:


Related Project:
Due to the recent advancements in wearables and sensing technology, health scientists are increasingly developing mobile health (mHealth) interventions. In mHealth interventions, mobile devices are used to deliver treatment to individuals as they go about their daily lives. These treatments are generally designed to impact a near time, proximal outcome such as stress or physical activity. The mHealth intervention policies, often called just-in-time adaptive interventions, are decision rules that map a individual’s current state (e.g., individual’s past behaviors as well as current observations of time, location, social activity, stress and urges to smoke) to a particular treatment at each of many time points. The vast majority of current mHealth interventions deploy expert-derived policies. In this paper, we provide an approach for conducting inference about the performance of one or more such policies using historical data collected under a possibly different policy. Our measure of performance is the average of proximal outcomes over a long time period should the particular mHealth policy be followed. We provide an estimator as well as confidence intervals. This work is motivated by HeartSteps, an mHealth physical activity intervention.

In this paper, we provide an approach for conducting inference about the performance of one or more such policies using historical data collected under a possibly different policy.

Developments in Mobile Health Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions for Addiction Science
Publication Venue:

Current Addiction Reports


addiction, just-in-time adaptive intervention, micro-randomized trial, mobile health

Publication Date:

September 2020

Related Project:

Addiction is a serious and prevalent problem across the globe. An important challenge facing intervention science is how to support addiction treatment and recovery while mitigating the associated cost and stigma. A promising solution is the use of mobile health (mHealth) just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAIs), in which intervention options are delivered in situ via a mobile device when individuals are most in need.

The present review describes the use of mHealth JITAIs to support addiction treatment and recovery, and provides guidance on when and how the micro-randomized trial (MRT) can be used to optimize a JITAI. We describe the design of five mHealth JITAIs in addiction and three MRT studies, and discuss challenges and future directions.


This review aims to provide guidance for constructing effective JITAIs to support addiction treatment and recovery.

Batch Policy Learning in Average Reward Markov Decision Processes
Publication Venue:

The Annals of Statistics

Publication Date:

December 21, 2022


average reward, doubly robust estimator, Markov Decision Process, policy optimization

Related Project:

We consider the batch (off-line) policy learning problem in the infinite horizon Markov decision process. Motivated by mobile health applications, we focus on learning a policy that maximizes the long-term average reward. We propose a doubly robust estimator for the average reward and show that it achieves semiparametric efficiency. Further, we develop an optimization algorithm to compute the optimal policy in a parameterized stochastic policy class. The performance of the estimated policy is measured by the difference between the optimal average reward in the policy class and the average reward of the estimated policy and we establish a finite-sample regret guarantee. The performance of the method is illustrated by simulation studies and an analysis of a mobile health study promoting physical activity.


We consider batch policy learning in an infinite horizon Markov Decision Process, focusing on optimizing a policy for long-term average reward in the context of mobile health applications.

Data-driven Interpretable Policy Construction for Personalized Mobile Health
Publication Venue:

IEEE International Conference on Digital Health (ICDH)

Publication Date:

July 10, 2022


learning systems, optimized production technology, behavioral sciences, electronic healthcare, decision trees

Related Project:

To promote healthy behaviors, many mobile health applications provide message-based interventions, such as tips, motivational messages, or suggestions for healthy activities. Ideally, the intervention policies should be carefully designed so that users obtain the benefits without being overwhelmed by overly frequent messages. As part of the HeartSteps physical-activity intervention, users receive messages intended to disrupt sedentary behavior. HeartSteps uses an algorithm to uniformly spread out the daily message budget over time, but does not attempt to maximize treatment effects. This limitation motivates constructing a policy to optimize the message delivery decisions for more effective treatments. Moreover, the learned policy needs to be interpretable to enable behavioral scientists to examine it and to inform future theorizing. We address this problem by learning an effective and interpretable policy that reduces sedentary behavior. We propose Optimal Policy Trees + (OPT+), an innovative batch off-policy learning method, that combines a personalized threshold learning and an extension of Optimal Policy Trees under a budget-constrained setting. We implement and test the method using data collected in HeartSteps V2N3. Computational results demonstrate a significant reduction in sedentary behavior with a lower delivery budget. OPT + produces a highly interpretable and stable output decision tree thus enabling theoretical insights to guide future research.


Online RL faces challenges like real-time stability and handling complex, unpredictable environments; to address these issues, the PCS framework originally used in supervised learning is extended to guide the design of RL algorithms for such settings, including guidelines for creating simulation environments, as exemplified in the development of an RL algorithm for the mobile health study Oralytics aimed at enhancing tooth-brushing behaviors through personalized intervention messages.

Optimizing an Adaptive Digital Oral Health Intervention for Promoting Oral Self-Care Behaviors: Micro-Randomized Trial Protocol
Trial Venue:

NIH National Library of Medicine: National Center for Biotechnology Information –, Identifier: NCT05624489

Publication Date:

Submission Under Review


engagement strategies, dental disease, health behavior change, oral self-care behaviors

Related Project:
The goal of the MRT is to investigate whether delivering (vs. not delivering) a prompt that contains engagement strategies grounded in decision science is beneficial in terms of promoting proximal oral health behavior (OHB) score, which reflects adherence to the 2x2x4 brushing protocol (Primary Aim) and also mobile health engagement (mHealth; Secondary Aim). Additionally, Exploratory Aims will concern (a) comparing different types of prompts in terms of proximal OHB score and mHealth engagement, (b) investigating the conditions in which prompts should be delivered to most effectively promote proximal OHB and mHealth engagement; and (c) investigating whether the effect of the engagement prompts (vs. no prompt) on OHB score varies across components of the 2x2x4 brushing regimen (i.e., frequency, duration, or coverage).

Participants will receive an electronic toothbrush (eBrush) and a mobile app (Oralytics) that contains well-established behavior change strategies (e.g., goal setting, monitoring adherence, and feedback). Participants will be randomized twice per day – in the morning and the evening – to receive either (a) a push notification containing one of three (randomly selected) engagement strategies or (b) no notification.

During the 10 weeks of the study, a Bayesian algorithm will iteratively adjust the probability of receiving a prompt or no prompt in any given randomization window, using prior behavioral data collected through the eBrush and mobile app. Data patterns suggesting positive effects of the prompts on adherence to brushing protocol, especially duration, will result in higher subsequent probabilities of receiving the prompts, whereas patterns suggesting null or negative effects will result in lower probabilities of receiving the prompts.

Study results will inform the implementation of a smartphone-delivered behavior change intervention that further adapts the delivery of engagement prompts based on passively collected information from an eBrush and the mobile app.

The study will involve a 10-week Micro-Randomized Trial (MRT) to inform the delivery of prompts (via mobile app push notifications) designed to facilitate adherence to an ideal tooth brushing protocol (2x2x4; 2 sessions daily, 2 minutes per session, all 4 quadrants).

Did We Personalize? Assessing Personalization by an Online Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Using Resampling
Publication Venue:


Publication Date:

August 7, 2023


reinforcement learning, personalization, resampling, exploratory data analysis, mobile health

Related Project:

There is a growing interest in using reinforcement learning (RL) to personalize sequences of treatments in digital health to support users in adopting healthier behaviors. Such sequential decision-making problems involve decisions about when to treat and how to treat based on the user’s context (e.g., prior activity level, location, etc.). Online RL is a promising data-driven approach for this problem as it learns based on each user’s historical responses and uses that knowledge to personalize these decisions. However, to decide whether the RL algorithm should be included in an “optimized” intervention for real-world deployment, we must assess the data evidence indicating that the RL algorithm is actually personalizing the treatments to its users. Due to the stochasticity in the RL algorithm, one may get a false impression that it is learning in certain states and using this learning to provide specific treatments. We use a working definition of personalization and introduce a resampling-based methodology for investigating whether the personalization exhibited by the RL algorithm is an artifact of the RL algorithm stochasticity. We illustrate our methodology with a case study by analyzing the data from a physical activity clinical trial called HeartSteps, which included the use of an online RL algorithm. We demonstrate how our approach enhances data-driven truth-in-advertising of algorithm personalization both across all users as well as within specific users in the study.


We use a working definition of personalization and introduce a resampling-based methodology for investigating whether the personalization exhibited by the RL algorithm is an artifact of the RL algorithm stochasticity.

Engaging Racial & Ethnic Minorities in Digital Oral Self-Care Interventions: A Formative Research into Messaging Strategies
Publication Venue:

JMIR Formative Research

Publication Date:

December 11, 2023


engagement, oral health, mobile health intervention, racial and ethnic minority group, message development

Related Projects:

Background: The prevention of oral health diseases is a key public health issue and a major challenge for racial and ethnic minority groups, who often face barriers in accessing dental care. Daily toothbrushing is an important self-care behavior necessary for sustaining good oral health, yet engagement in regular brushing remains a challenge. Identifying strategies to promote engagement in regular oral self-care behaviors among populations at risk of poor oral health is critical.

Objective: The formative research described here focused on creating messages for a digital oral self-care intervention targeting a racially and ethnically diverse population. Theoretically grounded strategies (reciprocity, reciprocity-by-proxy, and curiosity) were used to promote engagement in 3 aspects: oral self-care behaviors, an oral care smartphone app, and digital messages. A web-based participatory co-design approach was used to develop messages that are resource efficient, appealing, and novel; this approach involved dental experts, individuals from the general population, and individuals from the target population—dental patients from predominantly low-income racial and ethnic minority groups. Given that many individuals from racially and ethnically diverse populations face anonymity and confidentiality concerns when participating in research, we used an approach to message development that aimed to mitigate these concerns.

Methods: Messages were initially developed with feedback from dental experts and Amazon Mechanical Turk workers. Dental patients were then recruited for 2 facilitator-mediated group webinar sessions held over Zoom (Zoom Video Communications; session 1: n=13; session 2: n=7), in which they provided both quantitative ratings and qualitative feedback on the messages. Participants interacted with the facilitator through Zoom polls and a chat window that was anonymous to other participants. Participants did not directly interact with each other, and the facilitator mediated sessions by verbally asking for message feedback and sharing key suggestions with the group for additional feedback. This approach plausibly enhanced participant anonymity and confidentiality during the sessions.

Results: Participants rated messages highly in terms of liking (overall rating: mean 2.63, SD 0.58; reciprocity: mean 2.65, SD 0.52; reciprocity-by-proxy: mean 2.58, SD 0.53; curiosity involving interactive oral health questions and answers: mean 2.45, SD 0.69; curiosity involving tailored brushing feedback: mean 2.77, SD 0.48) on a scale ranging from 1 (do not like it) to 3 (like it). Qualitative feedback indicated that the participants preferred messages that were straightforward, enthusiastic, conversational, relatable, and authentic.

Conclusions: This formative research has the potential to guide the design of messages for future digital health behavioral interventions targeting individuals from diverse racial and ethnic populations. Insights emphasize the importance of identifying key stimuli and tasks that require engagement, gathering multiple perspectives during message development, and using new approaches for collecting both quantitative and qualitative data while mitigating anonymity and confidentiality concerns.


The formative research described here focused on creating messages for a digital oral self-care intervention targeting a racially and ethnically diverse population. Theoretically grounded strategies (reciprocity, reciprocity-by-proxy, and curiosity) were used to promote engagement in 3 aspects: oral self-care behaviors, an oral care smartphone app, and digital messages.

Intervention Optimization: A Paradigm Shift & Its Potential Implications for Clinical Psychology
Publication Venue:

To appear in Volume 20 of the Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 2023

Publication Date:



engagement, oral health, mobile health intervention, racial and ethnic minority group, message development

Related Projects:
This work was part of our collaboration on the MiWaves Trial. More information on our work on the MiWaves trial can be found below:

We have been developing the MiWaves RL algorithm for cannabis reduction (CP8); this algorithm uses a more flexible approach to pooling data across participants. In particular, this new RL algorithm pools data across participants only to the extent that the participants respond similarly, thus if the accruing data indicates high heterogeneity between participants, then the algorithm will minimally pool their data in order to learn which intervention option to provide. To accomplish this, the MiWaves RL algorithm uses a classical tool from statistics (mixed effects models). The MiWaves trial is scheduled to be piloted in October 2023.
Understanding Adolescent & Young Adult 6-Mercaptopurine Adherence & mHealth Engagement During Cancer Treatment: Protocol for Ecological Momentary Assessment
Publication Venue:

JMIR Research Protocols


ecological momentary assessment, adolescents, young adults, oncology, cancer, self-management, mobile health (mHealth)

Publication Date:

October 22, 2021


Background: Adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with cancer demonstrate suboptimal oral chemotherapy adherence, increasing their risk of cancer relapse. It is unclear how everyday time-varying contextual factors (eg, mood) affect their adherence, stalling the development of personalized mobile health (mHealth) interventions. Poor engagement is also a challenge across mHealth trials; an effective adherence intervention must be engaging to promote uptake.


Objective: This protocol aims to determine the temporal associations between daily contextual factors and 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) adherence and explore the proximal impact of various engagement strategies on ecological momentary assessment survey completion.


Methods: At the Children s Hospital of Philadelphia, AYAs with acute lymphoblastic leukemia or lymphoma who are prescribed prolonged maintenance chemotherapy that includes daily oral 6-MP are eligible, along with their matched caregivers. Participants will use an ecological momentary assessment app called ADAPTS (Adherence Assessments and Personalized Timely Support) a version of an open-source app that was modified for AYAs with cancer through a user-centered process and complete surveys in bursts over 6 months. Theory-informed engagement strategies will be microrandomized to estimate the causal effects on proximal survey completion.


Results: With funding from the National Cancer Institute and institutional review board approval, of the proposed 30 AYA-caregiver dyads, 60% (18/30) have been enrolled; of the 18 enrolled, 15 (83%) have completed the study so far.


Conclusions: This protocol represents an important first step toward prescreening tailoring variables and engagement components for a just-in-Time adaptive intervention designed to promote both 6-MP adherence and mHealth engagement.


This protocol represents an important first step toward prescreening tailoring variables and engagement components for a just-in-Time adaptive intervention designed to promote both 6-MP adherence and mHealth engagement.

IntelligentPooling: Practical Thompson Sampling for mHealth
Publication Venue:

Machine Learning, Volume 110, Pages 2685–2727


Thompson-Sampling, mobile health, reinforcement learning

Publication Date:

September 2021


In mobile health (mHealth) smart devices deliver behavioral treatments repeatedly over time to a user with the goal of helping the user adopt and maintain healthy behaviors. Reinforcement learning appears ideal for learning how to optimally make these sequential treatment decisions. However, significant challenges must be overcome before reinforcement learning can be effectively deployed in a mobile healthcare setting. In this work we are concerned with the following challenges: 1) individuals who are in the same context can exhibit differential response to treatments 2) only a limited amount of data is available for learning on any one individual, and 3) non-stationary responses to treatment. To address these challenges we generalize Thompson-Sampling bandit algorithms to develop IntelligentPooling. IntelligentPooling learns personalized treatment policies thus addressing challenge one. To address the second challenge, IntelligentPooling updates each user’s degree of personalization while making use of available data on other users to speed up learning. Lastly, IntelligentPooling allows responsivity to vary as a function of a user’s time since beginning treatment, thus addressing challenge three. We show that IntelligentPooling achieves an average of 26% lower regret than state-of-the-art. We demonstrate the promise of this approach and its ability to learn from even a small group of users in a live clinical trial.


To address the significant challenges that must be overcome before reinforcement learning can be deployed in a mobile healthcare setting, we develop IntelligentPooling by generalizing Thompson-Sampling bandit algorithms.

Microrandomized Trials for Promoting Engagement in Mobile Health Data Collection: Adolescent/Young Adult Oral Chemotherapy Adherence as an Example
Publication Venue:

Current Opinion in Systems Biology


adolescent, young adult, chemotherapy adherance, micro-randomized trial

Publication Date:

June 2020


Long-term engagement with mobile health (mHealth) apps can provide critical data for improving empirical models for real-time health behaviors. To learn how to improve and maintain mHealth engagement, micro-randomized trials (MRTs) can be used to optimize different engagement strategies. In MRTs, participants are sequentially randomized, often hundreds or thousands of times, to different engagement strategies or treatments. The data gathered are then used to decide which treatment is optimal in which context. In this paper, we discuss an example MRT for youth with cancer, where we randomize different engagement strategies to improve self-reports on factors related to medication adherence. MRTs, moreover, can go beyond improving engagement, and we reference other MRTs to address substance abuse, sedentary behavior, and so on.


In this paper, we discuss an example MRT for youth with cancer, where we randomize different engagement strategies to improve self-reports on factors related to medication adherence.

Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions for Suicide Prevention: Promise, Challenges, and Future Directions
Publication Venue:

Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes

Publication Date:

July 18, 2022


suicide, self-injury, just-in-time adaptive interventions


The suicide rate (currently 14 per 100,000) has barely changed in the United States over the past 100 years. There is a need for new ways of preventing suicide. Further, research has revealed that suicidal thoughts and behaviors and the factors that drive them are dynamic, heterogeneous, and interactive. Most existing interventions for suicidal thoughts and behaviors are infrequent, not accessible when most needed, and not systematically tailored to the person using their own data (e.g., from their own smartphone). Advances in technology offer an opportunity to develop new interventions that may better match the dynamic, heterogeneous, and interactive nature of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Just-In-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs), which use smartphones and wearables, are designed to provide the right type of support at the right time by adapting to changes in internal states and external contexts, offering a promising pathway toward more effective suicide prevention. In this review, we highlight the potential of JITAIs for suicide prevention, challenges ahead (e.g., measurement, ethics), and possible solutions to these challenges.


In this review, we highlight the potential of JITAIs for suicide prevention, challenges ahead (e.g., measurement, ethics), and possible solutions to these challenges.

Engagement in Digital Interventions
Publication Venue:

American Psychologist

Publication Date:

March 17, 2022


engagement, digital interventions, affect, motivation, attention

Related Project:

The notion of “engagement,” which plays an important role in various domains of psychology, is gaining increased currency as a concept that is critical to the success of digital interventions. However, engagement remains an ill-defined construct, with different fields generating their own domain-specific definitions. Moreover, given that digital interactions in real-world settings are characterized by multiple demands and choice alternatives competing for an individual’s effort and attention, they involve fast and often impulsive decision making. Prior research seeking to uncover the mechanisms underlying engagement has nonetheless focused mainly on psychological factors and social influences and neglected to account for the role of neural mechanisms that shape individual choices. This paper aims to integrate theories and empirical evidence across multiple domains to define engagement and discuss opportunities and challenges to promoting effective engagement in digital interventions. We also propose the AIM-ACT framework, which is based on a neurophysiological account of engagement, to shed new light on how in-the-moment engagement unfolds in response to a digital stimulus. Building on this framework, we provide recommendations for designing strategies to promote engagement in digital interventions and highlight directions for future research.


This paper focuses on defining and understanding engagement in digital interventions by combining various theories and evidence from different domains. It introduces the AIM-ACT framework, which explains how engagement happens in response to digital stimuli based on neurophysiological principles and offers suggestions for designing effective engagement strategies in digital interventions.

The Microrandomized Trial for Developing Digital Interventions: Experimental Design and Data Analysis Considerations
Publication Venue:

Psychological Methods

Publication Date:

January 13, 2022

Micro-randomized trial (MRT), health behavior change, digital intervention, just-in-time adaptive intervention (JITAI), causal inference, intensive longitudinal data
Related Project:
Just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAIs) are time-varying adaptive interventions that use frequent opportunities for the intervention to be adapted-weekly, daily, or even many times a day. The microrandomized trial (MRT) has emerged for use in informing the construction of JITAIs. MRTs can be used to address research questions about whether and under what circumstances JITAI components are effective, with the ultimate objective of developing effective and efficient JITAI.

The purpose of this article is to clarify why, when, and how to use MRTs; to highlight elements that must be considered when designing and implementing an MRT; and to review primary and secondary analyses methods for MRTs. We briefly review key elements of JITAIs and discuss a variety of considerations that go into planning and designing an MRT. We provide a definition of causal excursion effects suitable for use in primary and secondary analyses of MRT data to inform JITAI development. We review the weighted and centered least-squares (WCLS) estimator which provides consistent causal excursion effect estimators from MRT data. We describe how the WCLS estimator along with associated test statistics can be obtained using standard statistical software such as R (R Core Team, 2019). Throughout we illustrate the MRT design and analyses using the HeartSteps MRT, for developing a JITAI to increase physical activity among sedentary individuals. We supplement the HeartSteps MRT with two other MRTs, SARA and BariFit, each of which highlights different research questions that can be addressed using the MRT and experimental design considerations that might arise.
Throughout we illustrate the MRT design and analyses using the HeartSteps MRT, for developing a JITAI to increase physical activity among sedentary individuals.
Translating Strategies for Promoting Engagement in Mobile Health: A Proof-of-Concept Microrandomized Trial
Publication Venue:
Health Psychology
Publication Date:

December 2021


engagement, mobile health (mHealth), Micro-Randomized Trial (MRT), reciprocity, reinforcement

Related Project:
Objective: Mobile technologies allow for accessible and cost-effective health monitoring and intervention delivery. Despite these advantages, mobile health (mHealth) engagement is often insufficient. While monetary incentives may increase engagement, they can backfire, dampening intrinsic motivations and undermining intervention scalability. Theories from psychology and behavioral economics suggest useful nonmonetary strategies for promoting engagement; however, examinations of the applicability of these strategies to mHealth engagement are lacking. This proof-of-concept study evaluates the translation of theoretically-grounded engagement strategies into mHealth, by testing their potential utility in promoting daily self-reporting.

Method: A microrandomized trial (MRT) was conducted with adolescents and emerging adults with past-month substance use. Participants were randomized multiple times daily to receive theoretically-grounded strategies, namely reciprocity (the delivery of inspirational quote prior to self-reporting window) and nonmonetary reinforcers (e.g., the delivery of meme/gif following self-reporting completion) to improve proximal engagement in daily mHealth self-reporting.

Results: Daily self-reporting rates (62.3%; n = 68) were slightly lower than prior literature, albeit with much lower financial incentives. The utility of specific strategies was found to depend on contextual factors pertaining to the individual’s receptivity and risk for disengagement. For example, the effect of reciprocity significantly varied depending on whether this strategy was employed (vs. not employed) during the weekend. The nonmonetary reinforcement strategy resulted in different outcomes when operationalized in various ways.

Conclusions: While the results support the translation of the reciprocity strategy into this mHealth setting, the translation of nonmonetary reinforcement requires further consideration prior to inclusion in a full scale MRT.
A microrandomized trial (MRT) was conducted with young adults with past-month substance use. Participants were randomized multiple times daily to receive theoretically-grounded strategies to improve proximal engagement in daily mHealth self-reporting.
The Mobile Assistance for Regulating Smoking (MARS) Micro-Randomized Trial Design Protocol
Publication Venue:

Contemporary Clinical Trials


engagement, Micro-randomized trial (MRT), mobile health (mHealth), self-regulatory strategies, smoking cessation

Publication Date:

November 2021

Related Project:

Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death and disability in the U.S. Empirical evidence suggests that engaging in evidence-based self-regulatory strategies (e.g., behavioral substitution, mindful attention) can improve smokers’ ability to resist craving and build self-regulatory skills. However, poor engagement represents a major barrier to maximizing the impact of self-regulatory strategies. This paper describes the protocol for Mobile Assistance for Regulating Smoking (MARS) – a research study designed to inform the development of a mobile health (mHealth) intervention for promoting real-time, real-world engagement in evidence-based self-regulatory strategies. The study will employ a 10-day Micro-Randomized Trial (MRT) enrolling 112 smokers attempting to quit. Utilizing a mobile smoking cessation app, the MRT will randomize each individual multiple times per day to either: (a) no intervention prompt; (b) a prompt recommending brief (low effort) cognitive and/or behavioral self-regulatory strategies; or (c) a prompt recommending more effortful cognitive or mindfulness-based strategies. Prompts will be delivered via push notifications from the MARS mobile app. The goal is to investigate whether, what type of, and under what conditions prompting the individual to engage in self-regulatory strategies increases engagement. The results will build the empirical foundation necessary to develop a mHealth intervention that effectively utilizes intensive longitudinal self-report and sensor-based assessments of emotions, context and other factors to engage an individual in the type of self-regulatory activity that would be most beneficial given their real-time, real-world circumstances. This type of mHealth intervention holds enormous potential to expand the reach and impact of smoking cessation treatments.


This paper describes the protocol for Mobile Assistance for Regulating Smoking (MARS) – a research study designed to inform the development of a mobile health (mHealth) intervention for promoting real-time, real-world engagement in evidence-based self-regulatory strategies. 

Dyadic Reinforcement Learning
Publication Venue:

Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2023)

Publication Date:

May 17, 2023


reinforcement learning, partial observability, context inference, adaptive interventions, empirical evaluation, mobile health

Related Project:

Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs) are a class of personalized health interventions developed within the behavioral science community. JITAIs aim to provide the right type and amount of support by iteratively selecting a sequence of intervention options from a pre-defined set of components in response to each individual’s time varying state. In this work, we explore the application of reinforcement learning methods to the problem of learning intervention option selection policies. We study the effect of context inference error and partial observability on the ability to learn effective policies. Our results show that the propagation of uncertainty from context inferences is critical to improving intervention efficacy as context uncertainty increases, while policy gradient algorithms can provide remarkable robustness to partially observed behavioral state information.


This work focuses on JITAIs, personalized health interventions that dynamically select support components based on an individual’s changing state. The study applies reinforcement learning methods to learn policies for selecting intervention options, revealing that uncertainty from context inferences is crucial for enhancing intervention efficacy as context uncertainty increases.

Assessing the Impact of Context Inference Error & Partial Observability on RL Methods for Just-In-Time Adaptive Interventions
Publication Venue:


Publication Date:

November 3, 2023


dyadic reinforcement learning, online learning, mobile health, algorithm design

Related Project:

Mobile health aims to enhance health outcomes by delivering interventions to individuals as they go about their daily life. The involvement of care partners and social support networks often proves crucial in helping individuals managing burdensome medical conditions. This presents opportunities in mobile health to design interventions that target the dyadic relationship — the relationship between a target person and their care partner — with the aim of enhancing social support. In this paper, we develop dyadic RL, an online reinforcement learning algorithm designed to personalize intervention delivery based on contextual factors and past responses of a target person and their care partner. Here, multiple sets of interventions impact the dyad across multiple time intervals. The developed dyadic RL is Bayesian and hierarchical. We formally introduce the problem setup, develop dyadic RL and establish a regret bound. We demonstrate dyadic RL’s empirical performance through simulation studies on both toy scenarios and on a realistic test bed constructed from data collected in a mobile health study.


In this paper, we develop dyadic RL, an online reinforcement learning algorithm designed to personalize intervention delivery based on contextual factors and past responses of a target person and their care partner.

Adapting Just-in-Time Interventions to Vulnerability and Receptivity: Conceptual and Methodological Considerations
Publication Venue:

Digital Therapeutics for Mental Health and Addiction (pp.77-87)


just-in-time adaptive interventions, mental health, addiction

Publication Date:

January 2023

Related Project:

Advances in mobile and sensing technologies offer many opportunities for delivering just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAIs)—interventions that use dynamically changing information about the individual’s internal state and context to recommend whether and how to deliver interventions in real-time, in daily life. States of vulnerability to an adverse outcome and states of receptivity to a just-in-time intervention play a critical role in the formulation of effective JITAIs. However, these states are defined, operationalized, and studied in various ways across different fields and research projects. This chapter is intended to (a) clarify the definition and operationalization of vulnerability to adverse outcomes and receptivity to just-in-time interventions; and (b) provide greater specificity in formulating scientific questions about these states. This greater precision has the potential to aid researchers in selecting the most suitable study design for answering questions about states of vulnerability and receptivity to inform JITAIs.


States of vulnerability to an adverse outcome and states of receptivity to a just-in-time intervention play a critical role in the formulation of effective JITAIs. This chapter is intended to clarify the definition and operationalization of vulnerability to adverse outcomes and receptivity to just-in-time interventions; and provide greater specificity in formulating scientific questions about these states.

Estimating Time-Varying Causal Excursion Effect in Mobile Health with Binary Outcomes
Publication Venue:



binary outcome, causal excursion effect, causal inference, longitudinal data, micro-randomized trials, mobile health, relative risk, semiparametric efficiency theory

Publication Date:

September 2021

Advances in wearables and digital technology now make it possible to deliver behavioral mobile health interventions to individuals in their everyday life. The micro-randomized trial (MRT) is increasingly used to provide data to inform the construction of these interventions. In an MRT, each individual is repeatedly randomized among multiple intervention options, often hundreds or even thousands of times, over the course of the trial. This work is motivated by multiple MRTs that have been conducted, or are currently in the field, in which the primary outcome is a longitudinal binary outcome. The primary aim of such MRTs is to examine whether a particular time-varying intervention has an effect on the longitudinal binary outcome, often marginally over all but a small subset of the individual’s data. We propose the definition of causal excursion effect that can be used in such primary aim analysis for MRTs with binary outcomes. Under rather restrictive assumptions one can, based on existing literature, derive a semiparametric, locally efficient estimator of the causal effect. We, starting from this estimator, develop an estimator that can be used as the basis of a primary aim analysis under more plausible assumptions. Simulation studies are conducted to compare the estimators. We illustrate the developed methods using data from the MRT, BariFit. In BariFit, the goal is to support weight maintenance for individuals who received bariatric surgery.

We develop an estimator that can be used as the basis of a primary aim analysis under more plausible assumptions. Simulation studies are conducted to compare the estimators. We illustrate the developed methods using data from the MRT, BariFit. In BariFit, the goal is to support weight maintenance for individuals who received bariatric surgery.

Sense2Stop: A Micro-randomized Trial Using Wearable Sensors to Optimize a Just-In-Time-Adaptive Stress Management Intervention for Smoking Relapse Prevention
Publication Venue:

Contemporary Clinical Trials


digital intervention, just-in-time adaptive intervention, micro-randomized trial, optimization, smoking, stress, mHealth

Publication Date:

August 8, 2021

Related Project:

Background: Relapse to smoking is commonly triggered by stress, but behavioral interventions have shown only modest efficacy in preventing stress-related relapse. Continuous digital sensing to detect states of smoking risk and intervention receptivity may make it feasible to increase treatment efficacy by adapting intervention timing.


Objective: Aims are to investigate whether the delivery of a prompt to perform stress management behavior, as compared to no prompt, reduces the likelihood of (a) being stressed and (b) smoking in the subsequent two hours, and (c) whether current stress moderates these effects.


Study Design: A micro-randomized trial will be implemented with 75 adult smokers who wear Autosense chest and wrist sensors and use the mCerebrum suite of smartphone apps to report and respond to ecological momentary assessment (EMA) questions about smoking and mood for 4 days before and 10 days after a quit attempt and to access a set of stress-management apps. Sensor data will be processed on the smartphone in real time using the cStress algorithm to classify minutes as probably stressed or probably not stressed. Stressed and non-stressed minutes will be micro-randomized to deliver either a prompt to perform a stress management exercise via one of the apps or no prompt (2.5-3 stress management prompts will be delivered daily). Sensor and self-report assessments of stress and smoking will be analyzed to optimize decision rules for a just-in-time adaptive intervention (JITAI) to prevent smoking relapse.


Significance: Sense2Stop will be the first digital trial using wearable sensors and micro-randomization to optimize a just-in-time adaptive stress management intervention for smoking relapse prevention.


Sense2Stop will be the first digital trial using wearable sensors and micro-randomization to optimize a just-in-time adaptive stress management intervention for smoking relapse prevention.

Designing Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Digital Interventions: Pre-implementation Guidelines
Statistical Inference with M-Estimators on Adaptively Collected Data
Publication Venue:

Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems

Publication Date:

December 2021




The Mobile Assistance for Regulating Smoking (MARS) Micro-Randomized Trial Design Protocol
Dyadic Reinforcement Learning
Publication Venue:


Publication Date:

November 3, 2023





pJITAI (Just-In-Time Adaptive Intervention) Toolbox

The pJITAI toolbox being developed in TR&D2 software and code repository. The repository serves as a centralized hub for storing, managing, and tracking the evolution of project code, scripts, and software tools. This facilitates seamless collaboration among project members, streamlining the process of code integration, debugging, and enhancement. The repository’s branching and versioning capabilities enable the team to work concurrently on different aspects of the project without compromising code integrity. It ensures that  changes are tracked, reviewed, and merged in a controlled  manner, bolstering the project’s overall reliability.

Related Projects:







Mobile health (mHealth) interventions have typically used hand-crafted decision rules that map from biomarkers of an individual’s state to the selection of interventions. Recently, reinforcement learning (RL) has emerged as a promising approach for online optimization of decision rules. Continuous, passive detection of the individual’s state using mHealth biomarkers enables dynamic deployment of decision rules at the right moment, i.e., as and when events of interest are detected from sensors. RL-based optimization methods that leverage this new capability created by sensor-based biomarkers, can enable the development and optimization of temporally-precise mHealth interventions, overcoming the significant limitations of static, one-size-fits-all decision rules. Such next generation interventions have the potential to lead to greater treatment efficacy and improved long-term engagement.

However, there exist several critical challenges to the realization of effective, real-world RL-based interventions including the need to learn efficiently based on limited interactions with an individual while accounting for longer-term effects of intervention decisions, (i.e., to avoid habituation and ensure continued engagement), and accommodating multiple intervention components operating at different time scales and targeting different outcomes. As a result, the use of RL in mHealth interventions has mostly been limited to very few studies using basic RL methods.

To address these critical challenges, TR&D2 builds on more precise biomarkers of context, including TR&D1 risk and engagement scores, to develop, evaluate, and disseminate robust and data efficient RL methods and tools. These methods continually personalize the selection, adaptation and delivery timing decision rules for core intervention components so as to maximize long-term therapeutic efficacy and engagement for every individual.

Sayma Akther, PhD

Assistant Professor

Soujanya Chatterjee, PhD

Applied Scientist II

Satya Shukla, PhD

Senior Research Scientist

Md Azim Ullah, PhD

Applied Scientist

  1. P. Liao, Z. Qi, R. Wan, P. Klasnja, S. Murphy Batch Policy Learning in Average Reward Markov Decision Processes. Annals of Statistics. 2022 Sept 17.
  2. Trella AL, Zhang KW, Nahum-Shani I, Shetty V, Doshi-Velez F, Murphy SA. Designing Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Digital Interventions: Pre-Implementation Guidelines. Algorithms. 2022; 15(8). NIHMSID: NIHMS1825651.
  3. Bertsimas D., Klasnja, P., Murphy, S., & L. Na (2022) Data-Driven Interpretable Policy Construction for Personalized Mobile Health. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Digital Health. 2022, pp. 13-22.
  4. Coppersmith DDL, Dempsey W, Kleiman EM, Bentley KH, Murphy SA, Nock MK. Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions for Suicide Prevention: Promise, Challenges, and Future Directions. Psychiatry. 2022 Jul 18;:1-17. doi: 10.1080/00332747.2022.2092828. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 35848800; NIHMSID:NIHMS1821198.
  5. Nahum-Shani I, Shaw SD, Carpenter SM, Murphy SA, Yoon C. Engagement in Digital Interventions. Am Psychol. 2022 Mar 17;. doi: 10.1037/amp0000983. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 35298199; NIHMSID:NIHMS1800077.
  6. Qian T, Walton AE, Collins LM, Klasnja P, Lanza ST, Nahum-Shani I, Rabbi M, Russell MA, Walton MA, Yoo H, Murphy SA. The Microrandomized Trial for Developing Digital Interventions: Experimental Design and Data Analysis Considerations. Psychol Methods. 2022 Jan 13;. doi: 10.1037/met0000283. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 35025583; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9276848.
  7. Zhang KW, Janson L, Murphy SA. Statistical Inference with M-Estimators on Adaptively Collected Data. Adv Neural Inf Process Syst. 2021 Dec;34:7460-7471. PubMed PMID: 35757490; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9232184.
  8. Qian T, Klasnja P, Murphy SA. Linear Mixed Models with Endogenous Covariates: Modeling Sequential Treatment Effects with Application to a Mobile Health Study. Statistical science : a review journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. 2020;35(3):375-390. PubMed PMID: 33132496; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7596885; DOI: 10.1214/19-sts720.
  9. Li S, Psihogios AM, McKelvey ER, Ahmed A, Rabbi M, Murphy S. Microrandomized Trials for Promoting Engagement in Mobile Health Data Collection: Adolescent/Young Adult Oral Chemotherapy Adherence as an Example. Current opinion in systems biology. 2020 June;21:1-8. PubMed PMID: 32832738; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7437990; DOI: 10.1016/j.coisb.2020.07.002.
  10. Carpenter SM, Menictas M, Nahum-Shani I, Wetter DW, Murphy SA. Developments in Mobile Health Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions for Addiction Science. Current addiction reports. 2020 September;7(3):280-290. PubMed PMID: 33747711; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7968352; DOI: 10.1007/s40429-020-00322-y.
  11. Liao P, Klasnja P, Murphy S. Off-Policy Estimation of Long-Term Average Outcomes with Applications to Mobile Health. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 2021;116(533):382-391. PubMed PMID: 33814653; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8014957; DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2020.1807993.
  12. Nahum-Shani I, Potter LN, Lam CY, Yap J, Moreno A, Stoffel R, Wu Z, Wan N, Dempsey W, Kumar S, Ertin E, Murphy SA, Rehg JM, Wetter DW. The Mobile Assistance for Regulating Smoking (MARS) Micro-Randomized Trial Design Protocol. Contemporary clinical trials. 2021 July 24:106513. PubMed PMID: 34314855; DOI: 10.1016/j.cct.2021.106513.
  13. Battalio SL, Conroy DE, Dempsey W, Liao P, Menictas M, Murphy S, Nahum-Shani I, Qian T, Kumar S, Spring B. Sense2Stop: A Micro-Randomized Trial Using Wearable Sensors to Optimize a Just-in-Time-Adaptive Stress Management Intervention for Smoking Relapse Prevention. Contemporary clinical trials. 2021 August 8;109:106534. PubMed PMID: 34375749; DOI: 10.1016/j.cct.2021.106534.
  14. Qian T, Yoo H, Klasnja P, Almirall D, Murphy SA. Estimating Time-Varying Causal Excursion Effect in Mobile Health with Binary Outcomes. Biometrika. 2021 Sep;108(3):507-527. doi: 10.1093/biomet/asaa070. Epub 2020 Sep 4. PMID: 34629476; PMCID: PMC8494142.
  15. Zhang KW, Janson L, Murphy SA. Inference for Batched Bandits. Adv Neural Inf Process Syst. 2020 Dec;33:9818-9829. PMID: 35002190; PMCID: PMC8734616.
  16. Nahum-Shani I, Rabbi M, Yap J, Philyaw-Kotov ML, Klasnja P, Bonar EE, Cunningham RM, Murphy SA, Walton MA. Translating Strategies for Promoting Engagement in Mobile Health: A Proof-of-Concept Microrandomized Trial. Health Psychol. 2021 Dec;40(12):974-987. doi: 10.1037/hea0001101. Epub 2021 Nov 4. PMID: 34735165; PMCID: PMC8738098.
  17. Tomkins S, Liao P, Klasnja P, Murphy S. IntelligentPooling: Practical Thompson Sampling for mHealth. Mach Learn. 2021 Sep;110(9):2685-2727. doi: 10.1007/s10994-021-05995-8. Epub 2021 Jun 21. PMID: 34621105; PMCID: PMC8494236.
  18. Yao J, Brunskill E, Pan W, Murphy S, Doshi-Velez F. Power Constrained Bandits. Proc Mach Learn Res. 2021 Aug;149:209-259. PMID: 34927078; PMCID: PMC8675738.
  19. Saghafian S, Murphy SA. Innovative Health Care Delivery: The Scientific and Regulatory Challenges in Designing mHealth Interventions. NAM perspectives. 2021;2021. PubMed PMID: 34611601; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8486421; DOI: 10.31478/202108b.
  20. Psihogios AM, Rabbi M, Ahmed A, McKelvey ER, Li Y, Laurenceau JP, Hunger SP, Fleisher L, Pai AL, Schwartz LA, Murphy SA, Barakat LP. Understanding Adolescent and Young Adult 6- Mercaptopurine Adherence and mHealth Engagement During Cancer Treatment: Protocol for Ecological Momentary Assessment. JMIR research protocols. 2021 October 22;10(10):e32789. PubMed PMID: 34677129; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8571686; DOI: 10.2196/32789.
  21. Trella AL, Zhang KW, Nahum-Shani I, Shetty V, Doshi-Velez F, Murphy SA. Reward Design For An Online Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Supporting Oral Self-Care. Proc Innov Appl Artif Intell Conf. 2023 Jun 27;37(13):15724-15730. doi: 10.1609/aaai.v37i13.26866. PMID: 37637073; PMCID: PMC10457015.
  22. Zhang, K. W., Janson, L., Murphy, S. A., Statistical Inference After Adaptive Sampling for Longitudinal Data. arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.07098. 2022. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2202.07098.
  23. Saengkyongam, S., Pfister, N., Klasnja, P., Murphy, S., and Peters, J., Effect-Invariant Mechanisms for Policy Generalization.  2023. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2306.10983.
  24. Guo, Y., & Murphy, S.A. Online Learning in Bandits with Predicted Context. 2023. ArXiv, abs/2307.13916.
  25. Gan, K., Keyvanshokooh, E., Liu, X., & Murphy, S.A. Contextual Bandits with Budgeted Information Reveal. 2023. ArXiv, abs/2305.18511.
  26. Nahum-Shani I, Greer ZM, Trella AL, Zhang KW, Carpenter SM, Ruenger D, Elashoff D, Murphy SA, Shetty V. Optimizing an Aadaptive Digital Oral Health Intervention for Promoting Oral Self-Care Behaviors: Micro-Randomized Trial Protocol. Contemp Clin Trials. 2024 Jan 31:107464. doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2024.107464. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38307224.
  27. Ghosh, S., Kim, R., Chhabria, P., Dwivedi, R., Klasjna, P., Liao, P., Zhang, K.W., & Murphy, S.A. Did We Personalize? Assessing Personalization by an Online Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Using Resampling. 2023. ArXiv, abs/2304.05365.
  28. Carpenter SM, Greer ZM, Newman R, Murphy SA, Shetty V, Nahum-Shani I. Developing Message Strategies to Engage Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups in Digital Oral Self-Care Interventions: Participatory Co-Design Approach. JMIR Form Res. 2023 Dec 11;7:e49179. doi: 10.2196/49179. PMID: 38079204; PMCID: PMC10750234.
  29. Collins LM, Nahum-Shani I, Guastaferro K, Strayhorn JC, Vanness DJ, Murphy SA. Intervention Optimization: A Paradigm Shift and Its Potential Implications for Clinical Psychology. Annu Rev Clin Psychol. 2024 Feb 5. doi: 10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-080822-051119. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38316143.
  30. Li, S., Niell, L., Choi, S.W., Nahum-Shani, I., Shani, G., & Murphy, S.A. Dyadic Reinforcement Learning. 2023. ArXiv, abs/2308.07843.
  31. Karine, K., Klasnja, P.V., Murphy, S.A., & Marlin, B.M. Assessing the Impact of Context Inference Error and Partial Observability on RL Methods for Just-In-Time Adaptive Interventions. 2023. Proceedings of machine learning research, 216, 1047-1057 .
  32. Nahum-Shani, Inbal. Wetter, David. Murphy, Susan. Adapting Just-in-Time Interventions to Vulnerability and Receptivity: Conceptual and Methodological Considerations. 2023. 10.1016/B978-0-323-90045-4.00012-5.

Presentations by Susan Murphy

  1. Harnessing real world behavior data to optimize treatment delivery. ABCT 56th Annual Convention, New York, NY November 20, 2022
  2. Acceptance Lecture, 2021 Van Wijngaarden Award, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, Netherlands, November 3, 2022
  3. Inference for Longitudinal Data After Adaptive Sampling. 2022 Al-Kindi Distinguished Statistics Lecture, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia, October 20, 2022
  4. We used Reinforcement Learning; but did it work? 2022 Al-Kindi Distinguished Statistics Lecture, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia, October 19, 2022
  5. Data, Personalization, Digital Health! Quantitative Science Grand Rounds, Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL. October 5, 2022
  6. Inference for Longitudinal Data After Adaptive Sampling. Wellner Lecture, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID September 29, 2022
  7. Panelist, launch event for the Kempner Institute for the Study of Artificial and Natural Intelligence, Harvard University, September 22, 2022
  8. Inference for Longitudinal Data After Adaptive Sampling. Operations Research & Financial Engineering Department Colloquium, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, September 13, 2022
  9. We used RL; but did it work? S.S. Wilks Memorial Lecture, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, September 12, 2022
  10. We used RL; but did it work? Workshop on Reinforcement Learning at Harvard, Center for Brain Science, Harvard University, August 30, 2022
  11. Data, Personalization, Digital Health! Keynote. European Health Psychology Society Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, August 26, 2022
  12. Inference for longitudinal data after adaptive sampling, Keynote, ICSA 2022 Applied Statistics Symposium, Gainesville, FL, June 22, 2022
  13. Data, Personalization, Digital Health! Keynote (virtual). Society for Ambulatory Assessment Conference, June 14, 2022
  14. Inference for Longitudinal Data After Adaptive Sampling. Keynote, 35th New England Statistics Symposium (NESS), University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, May 24, 2022
  15. Assessing Personalization in Digital Health. Charles L. Odoroff Memorial Lecture, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, May 19, 2022
  16. Optimizing Your Digital Health JITAI using a Micro-Randomized Trial, ECNP Digital Health Network, online, Get Digital Talk, May 10, 2022
  17. Assessing Personalization in Digital Health. Invited virtual talk, Deutsche ArbeitsGemeinschaft Statistik (DAGStat 2022), Hamburg, Germany, March 29, 2022
  18. We used Reinforcement Learning, but did it work? Virtual keynote, AI for Behavior Change workshop, AAAI 2022, February 28, 2022
  19. We used Reinforcement Learning; But Did It Work?​​, AI Talk (virtual), Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, January 19, 2022
  20. We used Reinforcement Learning; but did it work? Virtual presentation, CIS Colloquium, EPFL, December 13, 2021
  21. 2020 H.O. Hartley Award Lecture at Texas A&M (lecture was postponed; presented December 6, 2021)
  22. Assessing Personalization in Digital Health, Virtual presentation, Australian Trials Methodology Conference 2021, December 6, 2021
  23. Data, Personalization, Digital Health, Virtual presentation, Distinguished Speaker Series, Research Center for Child Well-Being, University of South Carolina, December 3, 2021

Presentations by Raaz Dwivedi (postdoctoral researcher)

  1. Counterfactual inference in sequential experimental design. INFORMS 2022, Indianapolis, Indiana, October 17, 2022
  2. Near-optimal compression in near-linear time. Poster. Royal Statistical Society International Conference (2022), Aberdeen, Scotland, September 13, 2022
  3. Counterfactual inference in sequential experimental design. Poster. Royal Statistical Society International Conference (2022), Aberdeen, Scotland, September 13, 2022
  4. Generalized Kernel Thinning, JSM 2022, Washington DC, August 10, 2022
  5. Counterfactual inference for sequential experimental design. IMS 2022 Annual Meeting, London, UK, June 2022
  6. Generalized kernel thinning. Virtual poster, International Conference on Learning Theory, April 2022.
  7. Distribution compression in near-linear time. Contributed poster. Tenth International Conference on Learning Representations (Virtual), April 2022
  8. Revisiting minimum description length complexity in overparameterized models. Symposium on Algorithmic Information Theory & Machine Learning, Alan Turing Institute, London, UK, July 4.
  9. Counterfactual inference for sequential experimental design. Poster. Synthetic Control Methods Workshop, Princeton NJ, June 2.
  10. Counterfactual inference for sequential experimental design. Poster. 2022 American Causal Inference Conference, Berkeley, CA, May 24.
  11. Near-optimal compression in near-linear time. Talk at the Kernel Methods for Numerical Integration mini-symposium, 2022 SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, April 14, 2022
  12. Near-optimal compression in near-linear time. Invited talk at the workshop Foundations of Stable, Generalizable and Transferable Statistical Learning, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, CA, March 8
  13. Generalized kernel thinning. Virtual poster, Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference, February 2022.
  14. Counterfactual inference in sequential experimental design. Talk at the Department of Statistics, Harvard University, February 24.
  15. Counterfactual inference in sequential experimental design. Simons workshop on Learning from Interventions (video) Berkeley, California, February 14
  16. Imputation with nearest neighbors for adaptively collected data. Talk at the Foundations of Data Science Institute Advisory Board meeting 2022, February
  17. Distribution compression in near-linear time. Contributed poster. 4th Symposium on Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference, February 2
  18. Near-optimal Compression in Near-linear Time. 27th Annual LIDS Student Conference, Machine Learning and Statistics Session at MIT
  19. Imputation with nearest neighbors for adaptively collected data, Foundations of Data Science Institute Retreat 2022 (virtual), January 6

Presentation by Kyra Gan (postdoctoral researcher)

  1. Greedy Approximation Algorithms for Active Sequential Hypothesis Testing. Simons Institute Workshop Quantifying Uncertainty: Stochastic, Adversarial, and Beyond, Berkeley CA, September 12, 2022.

Presentation by Shuangning Li (postdoctoral researcher)

  1. Network Interference in Micro-randomized Trials. INFORMS 2022, Indianapolis, IN, October 17, 2022.

Presentations by Kelly Zhang (graduate student)

  1. Statistical Inference After Adaptive Sampling for Longitudinal Data. INFORMS 2022, Indianapolis, IN, October 17
  2. Statistical Inference After Adaptive Sampling for Longitudinal Data. Invited talk in the Prediction and Inference in Statistical Machine Learning session, JSM 2022, Washington, DC, August 11
  3. Statistical Inference After Adaptive Sampling for Longitudinal Data. Talk in the invited session Inference Methods for Adaptively Collected Data, 2022 IMS Annual Meeting, London, UK, June 29
  4. Statistical Inference After Adaptive Sampling for Longitudinal Data, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Toronto, CA, June 2022
  5. Statistical Inference for Bandit Data, Virtual presentation, Department of Statistics, EPFL, December 3, 2021

Presentations by Anna Trella (graduate student)

  1. Designing Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Digital Interventions: Pre-implementation Guidelines. mDOT webinar (virtual), Nov 21, 2022
  2. Designing Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Digital Interventions: Pre-implementation Guidelines. Workshop on Reinforcement Learning at Harvard, Center for Brain Science, Harvard University, August 30, 2022
  3. Designing Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Digital Interventions: Pre-implementation Guidelines. Poster, SEAS Summertime Seminar Series, Harvard, July 6, 2022
  4. Designing Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Digital Interventions: Pre-implementation Guidelines. International Chinese Statistics Association Applied Stats Symposium. Talk in the session Precision Digital Health Care via Machine Learning, Gainesville, FL, June 21, 2022
  5. Designing Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Digital Interventions: Pre-implementation Guidelines. Extended abstract and oral presentation, RLDM 2022, June 8, Brown University, Providence, RI
  6. Designing Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Digital Interventions: Guidelines before Going into the Field. Poster and Lightning Talk, Women in Data Science, Cambridge, MA, March 9, 2022

Presentations by Xiang Meng (graduate student)

  1. An Algorithm to Determine Treatment Timing in Mobile Health: Design and Evaluation. INFORMS 2022, Indianapolis, IN, October 2022
  2. Assessing the Effectiveness of a Sampling Algorithm for Just-in-Time Intervention Delivery. Virtual talk in the contributed session Adaptive Design/Adaptive Randomization, ENAR 2022, March 28, 2022
  3. An Algorithm to Determine Treatment Timing in Mobile Health: Potential, Design and Evaluation, CMStatistics2021, virtual presentation, December 18, 2021

Presentation by Prasidh Chhabria (undergraduate student)

  1. RL Digital Interventions Under User Heterogeneity: A Bayesian Nonparametric Approach. Poster, RLDM 2022, Providence, RI, June 9, 2022.

Santosh Kumar, PhD

Lead PI, Center Director, TR&D1, TR&D2, TR&D3

Benjamin Marlin, PhD

Co-Investigator, TR&D1, TR&D2

Sameer Neupane

Doctoral Student

Mithun Saha

Doctoral Student

Karine Karine

Doctoral Student

Hui Wei

Doctoral Student

Research and development by TR&D2 will significantly advance RL methodology for personalizing decision rules; in particular, with regards to online algorithms that personalize interventions for each user by appropriately pooling across multiple users.